1.1 billion people in the world speak English. 1.1 billion people worldwide speak Chinese. Our students learn both.
At MSH students from different countries learn from teachers from over ten nations. Students learn English and Chinese starting in preschool. Chinese is also taught to students who start learning Chinese later or who start attending the school after preschool. From the 10th grade we also offer the opportunity to learn Spanish.
“Culture Week” takes place once a year, during which all age groups deal with and get to know different cultures. MSH students gain their own intensive cultural experiences on our annual class trips to the USA in class 8, and to China in class 10.
Through everyday use of various languages and exposure to various religions and cultures,

our students are uniquely prepared for the global world. MSH students learn to be global citizens and will have a world of options open to them.
Since 2016 we have had two international partner schools: Thaddeus Stevens School in Lyndon, Vermont, USA and the Xi’an Foreign Language School in Xi’an, China. These have been our partner schools for many years. Each year there is a two-week exchange between MSH students and students from these schools. Our students live with host families and get to know the typical, everyday life in that area. They also host families when students from our partner schools visit MSH.
Hamburg is the gateway to the world. Now it is also the gateway for truly international students.
Located in Groß Borstel, MSH is the only international school in the heart of Hamburg. You and your children can easily reach us from all parts of Hamburg. MSH also has its own school bus.
As a Hamburg based school, we want students to get to know northern Germany. Excursions and school trips up to 6th grade take place in the greater Hamburg area. MSH offers typical Hamburg sports: our students have swimming lessons, learn to sail and play field hockey. Our 6th grade goes to Ratzeburg on a school trip every year. All students are given the opportunity to take the basic sailing license exam.

State-of-the-art IT for students.
First-class infrastructure, Internet in every room and state-of-the-art computers for teaching are a matter of course at MSH. This is another way we prepare our students for the future. Additionally, we use interactive whiteboards in all classrooms, and our employees have their own offices with computers.
We also use a digital class book. This allows teachers to record important information and improves communication with students and parents. This gives you as parents an insight into your child’s learning development at any time and in any place. We use Microsoft Office 365 for our IT. This facilitates the cooperation between teachers and students and allows the MSH community to grow together digitally.

Because we are a “Digitalpakt Schule” we will be able to improve our equipment even further. MSH is very well equipped for the future and all students always have the most modern tools in their hands. Through daily digital learning experiences, we equip our students with extensive skills that use technology. They are well prepared for their future life and the world of work.
Learn? Do! The MSH difference.
For us, doing is at the center of our work with our students. In MSH all students learn from the very beginning to apply the skills they have learned in class to actions. MSH students become “doers” in later life. Doers are people who turn their aspirations into reality and are more likely to lead a more joyful life.
Learning and doing is practiced every day by the students: As soon as pre-school and primary school, our students talk about topics that are important to them and reflect on their own actions. In the weekly class council, they practice communicating their concerns independently and solving them jointly.
The entire school community meets once a month in a school assembly led by students.

Our students practice speaking freely about current topics and practice presenting topics that interest them.
The “Study week” and “Culture week” take place once a year. During these weeks, special focus is placed on our students´ learning and on implementing their own ideas independently. Developing their own interests is how we awaken the spirit in them that is necessary to become leading members of our society.
Movement plays an important role in promoting our students’ ability to actively engage with the world around them. We offer daily physical education. In addition there are activities offered such as swimming lessons, field hockey and sailing.
*These numbers correspond to the estimated numbers of native and second language speakers worldwide.